Tuesday, October 15, 2024


“Waking up in the morning, I see a smiling face that wags its tail approaching towards me, my adorable Labrador, Leo, with selfless love for each other”. This is simply an enduring moment, a positive reaction in one’s life.
Furry pets play a vital role in your life. They are human’s best friend no doubt. A real angel in disguise, a four legged mammal .These are different type of species which love you endlessly without taking any return gift from its master. For those who don’t own a pet dog, following are the points you must ponder on.
1)       Bowwows  play a role of stress buster-

  For people who are tired of their daily jobs in various sectors of their lives, these four legged pups’ help in relieving your tiredness and increase your blood dramatically. A few moments spent with them increases your mental strength beneficially.  In some organization, it has become a trend to keep dogs in the office to give relief to its workers from stress.  

2)      Excellent Alarm clocks-


The furry pet gets addicted to its masters daily instants. Dogs are like cocks when it comes to waking you up in the morning. With this, they also have good smelling power that helps dogs to identify the strangers and stranger’s fishy habits.

3)      Increase social interactions-

Of course, Dogs brings the lovingly interactions near him itself. You may notice that when the master and its pet go for walls, people gather to see it and conversations then takes place automatically.
4)      Never a dull or boring moment



As I said before, dogs are stress busters; they are like lucky charms in human’s life. When the discussion of a dog or his behavior comes in your interactions. They bring joy whenever or wherever you take them along.
5)      Introduction to innocence- 

These are the innocent species convey their feelings through expressions and emotions. Dogs are pretty innocent by nature, they cry behave and eat like us but, when they are found doing anything wrong, dogs accept their faults innocently,
6)      Effortlessly funny-

No doubt, the pets are a laughing stock, their humanistic behavior makes you giggle in that moment. There are times when they put their body weight on you or will not sit on chairs or sofas makes the moment funny and adorable.
7)      Dog never lets you eat alone-   

 When the dog does not see its master, it does not touch the food. Those who have pets at home; you must notice that dogs never take their food all alone; it eats when it sees its master at the dining table.
8)      A cure of your loneliness-

Hounds understands your pain completely, they sit with you show their emotion, “I am there with you at any cost”.

9)      They remain loyal to its master throughout their life time


Pooch learns to watch and be aware of the things coming your way.
Theirs is a very famous saying of “who rescued who”. Dogs prove to be real doctors in our lives and their presence is a must now, a days.

“Learn to obey pets, you will be obeyed indirectly them.”

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


A woman is an  epitome of love,sacrifice,care and ability to nurture life. "
The combination of internal and external beauty has made indian woman special. They are making high strides as leaders, innovaters, and money earners around the world. Infact they are breaking new grounds  in every industry and closing albeit slowly.
 Indian beauty symbolises," when going gets tough, the tough gets going".
Intellectually, mentally and spritually, women are stronger and can participate in any activity. They have the highest place, be it MotherMary, Mother Terressa, Razia Sultan, Rani Laxmibai, Indra Gandhi, Kiran Bedi,Sushmita Sen, Kalpana Chawala to Sarla Thakral. Women have contributed to social changes and the awareness is immense. 
Today, being the international women's Day(IWD),It is globaly known celebration in more than hundred countries now. May have a vague awareness  of this holiday. If grassroots are to be believed,womens day was established by NewYork city women's march at Washington on March 8,1907 to  succede  in their effort to convience around the world to join a day of action by manufacturing and textile workers. 
In the time when central Government  is emphasizing on, "Beti-Bachao-Beti Padhao"slogan,
Common woman is suffering from cuss words, class bars who come from small town and are reportedly related as the prey towards dowary, gender bias, patriachy by the educated society. 
The perfect examples are the recent much talked about Movies, "Pink"and,"lipstick"that signify forced and often cruel based occupation of private parts. 

Women liberation in India is restricted to the urban elite pocket which organized, Female solidatery March, Kitty party to celebrate women"s day,  one must realise that woman has a lot of significance and major roles to play. 
"Be bold to change"for you are the strength who handle vexation, one who is worth. Remember you are a lass,the real angel.
Happy women's day. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016



People, thou my age or above in India, can on no account forget the land mark year, when” Fido-Dido”, the famous 7up boy became a popular cartoon character amongst us.

Print media and Animatronics has been publishing cartoon strips through fortnightly magazines, graphic novels and  television screen since a long time, that the amazing memories of good old days, specially the warm glow of television screens, a fuzzy blanket on bed and how we used to wait for 3pm weekend snacks or school vacations to witness the sequential episodes like,  cha-cha choudhary”s“Tales pin”,” Duck tales,” chutti-chutti”, “Aladdin” and “Bewitched”, “Danasur”, “ The Simpsons” in Doordarshan made us  get involved with ongoing cartoons so much that the real happenings around  went unaware.

At the brink of maturity in the time of candy crush craze, one may find ones shoulder burdened with adulthood, a person who should start acting their own age and watch documentaries instead of toons screaming loud “Blah blah, blah”.It is then that, the”Peter –Pan”, “Harry potter” and “The complete Sherlock” references relax our brains that releases endorphins while laughing and strike a chord of mischievousness still existing in us.

Animations are the outward appearance of amusing stuffed arts that are described as standard of excellence, especially in movies which are getting better with age particularly references that make the youngsters flick award worthy. Not only these films develop our vocabulary but the phrases that we missed in our childhood, actually understand them as grown –ups and get nostalgic as well.

Oh, sugar honey ice tea!

Just I whispered before, we get all the phrases, like “peek-a-boo” from the movie Hotel Transylvania  and “sugar honey iced tea” from the movie “Madagascar. As Dexter, we know the first letter of each word spell not so kind friendly term yet the knowledge alone is a sheer splendidness.

Now that we are getting on, we have our own penny to spend on all of the film commodities and Disney stores; we possibly desire and quote the film lines in everyday scenarios in addiction to animatronics. we dress or drink out of cups covered in” minions” from” Despicable Me”.

Thanks to the fancy checks, one can swim inHow to Train Your Dragon”   stuffed toys.

Life is good folks.

With a plethora of films under  the divan today that we probably count,.Avataar is one such cinematic master piece while others are “Sharknado” and “Moby Dick” under  theological viewpoints  “A monster in Paris “or “The lion King” are the brilliant depiction of romantic relationships via touching mosaic and a heart breaking score.
Finally, string a chord of bygone time, when we moved to the collage life and decide to give away our beloved stuffed teddy bears, with parent’s difficulty in accepting our growth. Here we are identified with Nomo’s need of independence as he grown-up in “Finding Nemo”
There is no rebuff that children movies are awe-inspiring. Sometimes they teach us  positive society standards, a taste of our youth while simultaneously warming our cold and bitter grown up hearts.
As I grow older, I cannot have to let go of the films that thought me like “poo’s character in “Kumfu panda” how to be the person I am today.
“There’s no one I’d rather be than me.”- Wreck-It-Ralph
Be the one who is inspired by animated characters to spread messages among people more satirically just as much (may be not more than so) as when you were a tod.
“ We don’t mature through age , we mature through awesomeness”- Kumfu panda


Thursday, August 11, 2016



 A noble lad who walks barefoot
In the moonlight amid to the world with dreams of stars
Still executing her hair, while swaying her vogue.
To the music of life by her side with
Aroma of butterscotch and honey-bunch,
At her side
She lives for adventure and wakes each morning
With an excitement of new day
 Waiting to unfold at her feet.
She  truly believe the best that’s yet to come
And wait with a bated breath,
 To see what it may behold.
Turning thirty has become strange for her
To get in terms with the fact
That’s she’s a walking and talking adult
With a thinker, and passionate rebel in her

A bird that will walk the wedlock asile
This is all she learnt after the trancenarian
In her  was found.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016



Human beings are hit by chaos at some point or another in their lives. This self battle is called; “Attitude” that is nowadays can be seen in youth to the adult in various forms. It is only us, who choose to deal with the behavior that we portray, either in pessimistic or in optimistic manner, according to our circumstances. Hence, the choice decides on the success and failure of your destiny in your career and in your life.

In this world, from the poor to the rich, the most common death is stress and depression, the top deadly disease that leads to suicide in some or the other way in different countries.

A decade ago I dealt with series of encounter with things and new people around me after my family shifted base from army cantonment to civil life. The new environment caused a bad reaction in me. In fact before I could actually respond to that response, there was a development of sixth sense that had the power of intuitions and perceptions towards the environment surrounding me. It is a powerful energy that helped me to explain the uncooked situation and the gut feeling in myself that something is going fishy around me.

 According to psychologists, Intuitions are internal feelings that prevail that something isn’t right before any signs even appear. Perception means being able to spot the contradictions between someone’s words and their body language. This skill of reading persons attitude & thoughts by their behavior was the original communication system used by humans before spoken language actually evolved
During that period of my new change I was going through famous authors like Stephen Covey, Robert. Phriswig, Robin Sharma but it is through a private life game plan (book) by Keith’s Harrell- “Attitude is everything” who caught my eye that demonstrated his thoughts of life ruled by positive attitude. He said, “Where does attitude come from?”It comes from within us that lead to make people realize the power in the word “Attitude”.
His ten steps turning into action are as follows:-
1. Understand the Power of Attitude
2. Take Control of Your Life
3. Practice Self-Awareness
4. Re-Frame Your Bad Attitude
5. Find Your Purpose and Passion
6. Be Pre-Active
7. Discover How to Motivate Yourself
8. Build Supportive Relationships
9. See Change as an Opportunity
10. Leave a Lasting Legacy

We may blame other’s black magic on us, circumstances or events for a situation. The truth is that it is the key is our response to those things or people.

The attitude can be developed in you through the greatest self realization that everyone in this world has the potential to improve our personal or professional lives. It does not matter how old you are, what your position or status in life is, your marital status or your parents, siblings or friends attitude towards you. A positive approach must have an incredible difference in life.
Human beings tackle with circumstances amongst themselves where attitude changes within the seconds, but it’s their perspective of the mind that they have to look into and decide the next action.

Keith Harrell too experienced success and failure during his life time. Once the author was coming back to his house where he saw his next door neighbor screaming on his own kid’s misbehavior. The man could not park his car at the proper place inside his residence because of chaos outside the garage. The author explained to the man that, you should enjoy seeing your kids play and pick up their toys with a mood that when they will be your age, kids will understand what happiness you brought to them by keeping their toys and, the neighbor understood that he must enjoy his kids happiness and that his kids will leave him one day to stand own their own. Time goes faster than expected. Thus, being happy is the real reason of togetherness.

One must serve with great attitude tools like Respond, TTO (Take Trash out), and PAI (Personal Attitude Interrupt). Most of the times, it is that we cannot choose what others say to us, but we must alert within us that the garbage should not stay within us. Put a positive affirmation in a negative situation and increase your chance of optimistic outcome. Engraving optimistic attitude creates a root to success and healthier living. But pessimistic invite awful thoughts and actions related to those events.
Surroundings or the Family is the real environments that help you shape your destiny. The adolescence is the real period where a child views the world which has been shaped by the message they receive. Attitude is acquired by our mothers, adults around us and shaped by family/ relatives disorder.
As a young adult, I was fortunate enough to surround myself with philosophical crowd who taught me to live life with hope and anticipation towards a desired outcome predicated not on wishful thinking, but through dedication and commitment to the goal.
A dear friend taught me few things during my college days.
·         One must feel good about oneself.
·         Be warned before you become a target. Keep a focus.
·         There will always be someone who can't wait to knock you down.
·         Every day is like toss. You must face the situation accordingly.
·         The most important among all, Murphy’s Law of attraction,

Not everyone has grown up learning positive outlook. To make you understand the power of attitude. Share your feelings to a supportive person to take out the toxic out of your mind. It is indeed one of the best examples to empty your mind from worries and traumas. It is a choice that will help you to take charge in building of your self- esteem.
People whose attitude is under control stay positive permanently even in the accidental moments. Happiness then becomes a choice that you create for yourself kind of an environment
The root cause of bad attitude, causes and symptomsL Permanent,persuasive,personal

If-Only Baggage-(stress), (inability
to handle change) Learn the attitude of let it go (past). Keep working on your present and future.
What-Now Baggage. Learn to face the circumstance than to (fear/stress) the situation. Lighten up and brighten up. Things will get better soon.
What-If Baggage.- (low-self-esteem)-It is an anxiety of what might happen in the present. it paralyses you to make proper decisions. Have a bull’s eye to keep your focus on opportunities and solutions rather than anticipating negative consequences and stressing yourself out.
A cheery nature of a person towards every challenge that life throws on you can sometimes lifts the burden from your shoulder. Take challenges in life that brings you good experiences in life.
 While going through my masters in English literature, I came through some very beautiful poetic lines written by W.B .Yeasts
“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;     
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
“The centre falls separately when the best lack all its confidence and when in that vacuum, the worst are “full of passionate intensity.” it is important that the centre must hold — a still, all-knowing centre that makes the world go round. And a centre that keeps you steady and peaceful!
Learn to appreciate the real you and keeping a vision of your goal with a positive attitude. The goodness mustn’t be bottled up. Sow a seed of love, positivity and friendship around you it will definitely fulfill your heart and soul with a lot of blessings. Learn to give than to beg. That is making a difference on somebody’s life too. Finally you will see that the reward you get from this attempt will never be equaled by any material reward there is in this world.

I conclude with an attachment of the motivational speaker that what we do in our life, we are affected by a change and have to act flexible. One can reach with, and whatever it takes attitude leads us to real game plan of our lives.
Jun 23, 2010 - Uploaded by Speakers' Spotlight
Attachments area

Monday, June 6, 2016



India is the land of achievements and accomplishments. Various phases from Primitive, Middle and Modern eras have been witnessed by our motherland. It has an international and multilingual society with wide variations in demographic situations and socio- economic conditions. In a nation that is dutifully and ethically diverse, commonly described as, “JUMBLE OF POSSIBILITIES, the people follow a wide variety of customs, and have varied beliefs that ultimately mould lifestyle and sexuality. The fertile soil of India comprises of various types of pre- historic mountain and cave paintings in Ajanta and Ellora(Maharashtra) and Khajuraho(Madhya Pradesh) temple- their sculptures describes that there is a difference in sexual practice in India. The architecture of Khajuraho depicts graphic sexual positions and leaves nothing to the imagination.

KAMASUTRA, one of the ancient Hindu literatures played a significant role in the history of sex during 1st and 6th century. It is considered to be the standard works on human sexual behavior. Vatsyayana, the author of Kamasutra (Aphorism of love) is a classic work that includes three pillars of Hindu religion, “Dharma, Artrha and Karma “respectively. The author suggested different ways to stimulate desire and performance of sexual happiness. He was innovative enough to come up with seven different ways of kissing, eight varities of touch, four methods of stroking the body and eight sounds that may be emitted during sex and foreplay in his book. The main theme appears to be expression of Indian attitude towards sex as central and natural component of Indian Psyche and life.
The fast-food generation, in twenty-first century is forgetting the art of love- lust in modern times. Teenagers are indulging in sexual activity at immature ages, say sex therapists and counselors.”  Sexologist, Dr Rajan Bhonsle, youngsters had first sexual experience, when they were as young as 11”.

During 1990’s, they wooed girls with Archie’s cards and balloons and lovebirds would enjoy the quality time together on Valentine’s Day listening to BACKSTREET BOY’S or watch movie together in theatres. 

In this rat race of rapid growth of globalization, “Pumpkin norms and industrial desires are heading for success “. Indeed, It is the time of instant hook –ups; instant breakups, the time of tough love where a date means thrilling partying & commitment turns “Oh! Was that you pkka? No one is bothered if your friends are sleeping together, it’s all about discovering other sex first before thinking of commitments. Now a day’s, dating is done through casual sex, hook up mobile apps, friends with benefits(pros),open relationships, one night stands, social media sites, long distance relationships, sex-oral talks, party matchups, Pre- marital sex constitute many more kinds of sexual activity. In the Indian film industry, movies like Masaan and Hunterrr show that even the small towns of India origin are leading to change from sentimentality to sensuality.

The adult version of dark room can be seen at  wild parties or “PAGE THREE” as shown by Madhur Bhandarkar’s 2005 released movie, social gathering are superficial, shallow and engaging in pedophilia where alcohol is served and bars or pubs happen to have big celebrities or couples. Indian states that have high possibility of seduction exist in town like Jaipur, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, Delhi, Mumbai, and Goa. These spaces are illicit and exist in a grey zone.

Urban culture has turned to upscale night clubs now. In the movie, Fashion (2008)  “,suggested that those who are part of the glamour world of 'wild' parties are only inches above depraved and will eventually find themselves in bed with black men”.

Whether men or women in the pleasure of having casual sex, Bedroom tricks remain sociological since time immemorial times. It has turned up to individual thrill quest. Sexual fantasies bring in the ecstasy, illicitness, newness and curiosity of sex within the non-committed relationship- a sex for sex sake. In the heterosexual casual sex, pleasure is turning out be ‘liberated modern’ subject. A focus where couples with sunshine glow click selfiees at bedhead and buy lingerie’s and underwear’s via mobile apps e- retailers. You, yes! You crooked duos think sex is important to any of the relationships. Pleasure is in the hunt for is the national pastime, such as Sunny Leone is the poster girl.
You know who you are, isn’t it?

In a 2016 survey done by India Today / MDRA, 75% of the respondents said that sex is very important in a relationship and 86% of people surveyed were satisfied with their sex life. This survey included 4042 respondents across 17 cities between 20 to 69 years of age.

In a recent survey done by India today and outlook magazine, the Indie -loving Indian circuit dwells in the list of most downloading uncensored sites like Ashley.com to fulfill their heart sensations. Being a typical Indian middle class mentality, we make faces at adult movies but watch porn stars and it is so shocking for me to announce that, “India is the 6th country that has sign-ins at infidelity sites and social sites like matrimonial and dating pages, like face book and LinkedIn, Google plus are following these behind and turning havocs. The future compatibility horoscopes are made through media sites and relationships are progressing through online chatting. The hypocritical society believe in love, lust and longing now
The couples with post – coital glows  talk about sex or see “Shakira” videos that shows her naked covered with sheets, we scream  chee-chee”but are ready to watch condoms add see condom adds when it comes to experience sex.They  buy lingerie via aaps like Masalatoys.com  to enhance their sexual assets.
No doubts, India is seriously moving and shaking under the sheets where desires clash in night and day and sex is with you, yeah you in your overstretched office hours and also at long commute with couples.

The sociology of sex is turning out to be pre- marital sex before taking the plunge. The kinship bond has lost its shine with live-in relationships acquiring the aura of how modern lovers should live life.
 "Who is afraid of the virginity wolf?” It is the most cherished jewel of Indian culture. The women are characterized according to her virginity. Those who use first sexual experience as merely a forerunner to the joys of experience say sex is underwater for the couples now; men don’t bother if you are a virgin, and it’s that you are foreplay for the patriarchy.
The couples of Digital India have discovered lovemaking through whatsapp, Hike and Snap- chats, DM- ed. These apps offer privacy and plenitude; making conversations and communications as easy as the morning cup. Oral sex may be "against the order of nature." As per Section 377, men and women in India's hyperactive cities can't stop going down on each other. And rely on courtship gamming.
Because of hypocrisy and hyperventilation. It's nothing new now that modern people watch pornography and carry out extramarital affairs in their busy schedules. In this, and in a few more instances of being two-faced India, Delhi tops many a list (read the survey for the stats), which is unfortunate. Though, hardly unexpected.
Moderate stoned urban dwelling Indians will change the face of the world again in the upcoming decade .With the help of Kamasutra and erotic love, the lives of people are depending on contraceptive pills like SILDENAFIL and such other drugs.  We followed blindly the west cultures without understanding its norms, attitude and behavior. It has indeed become a necessity for every age group to be taught about the half baked information for the subject like sex. The attitude towards sex has become more open and mature in the changing times in love lust and longing figure especially. Thus, the mark of true urban cultural evolution admits that staying within the limits; you are tearing the rule book with your own hands.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Dr.APJ Kalam, The Bharat Ratna awardee, acknowledged as the father of India’s Missile Program, had a deep belief in building a better society and nation. The renowned scientist not only played a crucial role in the development of India’s first indigenous Satellite Launch Vehicle (SLV-III) in the year 1980 but also played a prominent role in preparing nuclear weapon test (Pokhran-2) in 1998.  He happened to be a recipient of the Von Braun Award from the National Space Society "for recognizing his excellence in management and leadership for a space-related project in the year 2013.
The man fondly called, Missile Man, was of the opinion that for India to be a prosperous nation, we need to work on nurturing its building blocks, the children. Dr. Kalaam felt comfortable in the company of young people and shared with them his experiences. He helped them to ignite their imagination and prepared them for the future through his lectures at various institutions of India. For this purpose he began, Billion Beats, an e-paper teaching youngsters the power to dream in achieving their goals.
Dr. Kalama’s infectious personality had not only inspired Indians but also people across the globe. His birthday has been declared as, “Worlds Students Day,” by US. In 2005, Switzerland declared 26 May as, “science day” to commemorate Kalam's visit in the country.
Being true to himself he kept doing what he loved, teaching; and took his last breath delivering a lecture in Shillong Institute in 2015. Acknowledging his efforts the United States of America put their flag half down as a mark of respect.