Human beings are hit by chaos at
some point or another in their lives. This self battle is called; “Attitude”
that is nowadays can be seen in youth to the adult in various forms. It is only
us, who choose to deal with the behavior that we portray, either in pessimistic
or in optimistic manner, according to our circumstances. Hence, the choice
decides on the success and failure of your destiny in your career and in your
In this world, from the poor to the
rich, the most common death is stress and depression, the top deadly disease
that leads to suicide in some or the other way in different countries.
A decade ago I dealt with series of
encounter with things and new people around me after my family shifted base
from army cantonment to civil life. The new environment caused a bad reaction
in me. In fact before I could actually respond to that response, there was a
development of sixth sense that had the power of intuitions and perceptions
towards the environment surrounding me. It is a powerful energy that helped me
to explain the uncooked situation and the gut feeling in myself that something
is going fishy around me.
According to psychologists, Intuitions are
internal feelings that prevail that something isn’t right before any signs even
appear. Perception means being able to spot the contradictions
between someone’s words and their body language. This skill of reading persons
attitude & thoughts by their behavior was the original communication system
used by humans before spoken language actually evolved
During that period of my new change
I was going through famous authors like Stephen Covey, Robert. Phriswig, Robin
Sharma but it is through a private life game plan (book) by Keith’s Harrell-
“Attitude is everything” who caught my eye that demonstrated his thoughts
of life ruled by positive attitude. He said, “Where does attitude come from?”It
comes from within us that lead to make people realize the power in the word
His ten steps turning
into action are as follows:-
1. Understand the Power of Attitude
2. Take Control of Your Life
3. Practice Self-Awareness
4. Re-Frame Your Bad Attitude
5. Find Your Purpose and Passion
6. Be Pre-Active
7. Discover How to Motivate Yourself
1. Understand the Power of Attitude
2. Take Control of Your Life
3. Practice Self-Awareness
4. Re-Frame Your Bad Attitude
5. Find Your Purpose and Passion
6. Be Pre-Active
7. Discover How to Motivate Yourself
8. Build Supportive Relationships
9. See Change as an Opportunity
10. Leave a Lasting Legacy
9. See Change as an Opportunity
10. Leave a Lasting Legacy
We may blame other’s black magic on
us, circumstances or events for a situation. The truth is that it is the key is
our response to those things or people.
The attitude can be developed in you
through the greatest self realization that everyone in this world has the
potential to improve our personal or professional lives. It does not matter how
old you are, what your position or status in life is, your marital status or
your parents, siblings or friends attitude towards you. A positive approach
must have an incredible difference in life.
Human beings tackle with
circumstances amongst themselves where attitude changes within the seconds, but
it’s their perspective of the mind that they have to look into and decide the
next action.
Keith Harrell too experienced
success and failure during his life time. Once the author was coming back to
his house where he saw his next door neighbor screaming on his own kid’s misbehavior. The man could not park his
car at the proper place inside his residence because of chaos outside the
garage. The author explained to the man that, you should enjoy seeing your kids
play and pick up their toys with a mood that when they will be your age, kids
will understand what happiness you brought to them by keeping their toys and,
the neighbor understood that he must enjoy his kids happiness and that his kids
will leave him one day to stand own their own. Time goes faster than expected.
Thus, being happy is the real reason of togetherness.
One must serve with great attitude
tools like Respond, TTO (Take Trash out), and PAI (Personal Attitude
Interrupt). Most of the times, it is that we cannot choose what others say to
us, but we must alert within us that the garbage should not stay within us. Put
a positive affirmation in a negative situation and increase your chance of
optimistic outcome. Engraving optimistic
attitude creates a root to success and healthier living. But pessimistic invite
awful thoughts and actions related to those events.
Surroundings or the Family is the
real environments that help you shape your destiny. The adolescence is the real
period where a child views the world which has been shaped by the message they
receive. Attitude is acquired by our mothers, adults around us and shaped by
family/ relatives disorder.
As a young adult, I was fortunate
enough to surround myself with philosophical crowd who taught me to live life
with hope and anticipation towards a desired outcome predicated not on wishful
thinking, but through dedication and commitment to the goal.
A dear friend taught me few things
during my college days.
· One
must feel good about oneself.
· There
will always be someone who can't wait to knock you down.
· Every
day is like toss. You must face the situation accordingly.
· The
most important among all, Murphy’s Law of attraction,
Not everyone has grown up learning
positive outlook. To make you understand the power of attitude. Share your
feelings to a supportive person to take out the toxic out of your mind. It is
indeed one of the best examples to empty your mind from worries and traumas. It
is a choice that will help you to take charge in building of your self- esteem.
People whose attitude is under
control stay positive permanently even in the accidental moments. Happiness
then becomes a choice that you create for yourself kind of an environment
The root cause of bad attitude,
causes and symptomsL Permanent,persuasive,personal

What-Now Baggage. Learn to face the circumstance than to (fear/stress) the
situation. Lighten up and brighten up. Things will get better soon.
What-If Baggage.- (low-self-esteem)-It is an anxiety of what might happen in the present. it paralyses you to make proper decisions. Have a bull’s eye to keep your focus on opportunities and solutions rather than anticipating negative consequences and stressing yourself out.
What-If Baggage.- (low-self-esteem)-It is an anxiety of what might happen in the present. it paralyses you to make proper decisions. Have a bull’s eye to keep your focus on opportunities and solutions rather than anticipating negative consequences and stressing yourself out.
A cheery nature of a person towards
every challenge that life throws on you can sometimes lifts the burden from
your shoulder. Take challenges in life that brings you good experiences in
While going through my masters in English literature, I came
through some very beautiful poetic lines written by W.B .Yeasts
“Things fall apart; the centre
cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
The ceremony of innocence is drowned.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”
“The centre falls separately when
the best lack all its confidence and when in that vacuum, the worst are “full
of passionate intensity.” it is important that the centre must hold — a still,
all-knowing centre that makes the world go round. And a centre that keeps you
steady and peaceful!
Learn to appreciate the real you and
keeping a vision of your goal with a positive attitude. The goodness mustn’t be
bottled up. Sow a seed of love, positivity and friendship around you it will
definitely fulfill your heart and soul with a lot of blessings. Learn to give
than to beg. That is making a difference on somebody’s life too. Finally you
will see that the reward you get from this attempt will never be equaled by any
material reward there is in this world.
I conclude with an attachment of the
motivational speaker that what we do in our life, we are affected by a change
and have to act flexible. One can reach with, and whatever it takes attitude
leads us to real game plan of our lives.
Jun 23, 2010 - Uploaded by Speakers'
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