Tuesday, May 19, 2015


One of the most important question that encounters today’s generation on their life is that, “Many people know where they want to be, but they don’t know why they can’t do this." Each one of us, you and me are not only individual entities, but also have individual life jobs to live. We are so much addicted to our daily duties that we forget about ourselves in the hectic schedules of our daily routine. Taking the work load either in the collage, homes or offices, we invite troubles for ourselves which later converts us into the hush – posh.
Thus, when the response approaches it is that:-
1)      Sinking feeling: whether one pass or fail.
2)      Redundant:  relating to a person who is no longer needed .
3)      Abuse, embarrassment:- why do wrong  things happen to one.
                                                                                                                                                      Therefore, we develop a little confidence in ourselves & also dissatisfaction with life and carrier. Each one of us is the small atom in the vast arena of molecules. We don’t realize that trouble is a part of our life. It will come and go. If you don’t share it, you don’t give a person who loves you a chance, to love you enough. All of us find happiness in the company of a person whom you trust the most where we share the feelings & sorrows of one another. You may realize the person becomes your life coach.
A therapist or a counselor may look into how your past is affecting you but coming to the point “ life coach” is a professional who helps you to achieve the ambitions in your work and personal life.
a)      Adviser  to whom you can open up yourself
b)      Peruses on a strategy for a change and building on your strength.
c)       It is not only well established all over the world but has also become beneficial in every life.                                                     
What if we recognize what’s lacking in us.....?
·         INTERROGATE YOURSELF:- try to ask yourself some few basic questions when you are not in your sense.....situation
·         Is this important.
·         Is it appropriate.
·         Is the situation modifiable
·         Is it worth taking action
Then you are in control.
If you think or act before any action, you will realize what is beneficial and what is detrimental?
Decide the result that you want, make a plan and follow it.
Change yourself, react on it & move.
We can benefit from the techniques that the life coach utilizes that are as follows

·         Write a life history.
·         Learn to like yourself.
·         Take responsibility.
·         Free up space.
·         Acquire more energy.
·         Live in the movement.
·         Look at the life holistically.
·         Bring more fun in life.
·          Get a right attitude.
A) WRITE A LIFE HISTORY: The first and foremost thing that you need to understand is to begin by jotting things down;
 the story of your life so far:-story of your past, present
                                                          Strength & weakness
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Threats & opportunities.

This may help out you to learn the important lesson & disappointments. It’s a way of realizing that what you have achieved and what you really want in life.
example: Be your true self.
                                       B) LEARN TO LIKE YOURSELF:  To keep yourself in the limelight, be your own best friend to boost your self confidence. Sometimes people say most insulting things about themselves without realizing how undermining it is. Think of someone you know whom you respect. Now at look yourself into the mirror & have the same relationship with the person you see; do you talk to yourself as you would to a treasured friend?
Do you say how well you are doing? Do you enjoy your own company?
C) Take responsibility: It can be tempting to blame people or circumstances for what happens to you,  but this is dis empowering,” what we think, say or act will have dramatic impact on our lives” you can choose, how you react to your duties.
When you accept that you can create your own world, then life really can open up.
example-There was a family who had three members. The father and the two sons.
Father was alcoholic & useless. His elder son who did not apply for studies never realized his aptitude, interests etc. He could not control things that would yield him favorable results. He let the things control him. The results was that he dissipated his time, energy & emerged as a miserable failure.
Whereas the youngest one analyzed the situation to the best of its ability. He used the time available for his regular studies to benefit himself &finally emerged as a winner. He  controlled things & circumstances. The younger brother made himself to do the opposite of two.
{Two sides of the same coin}
D) Free up space: Respond to the demands in your life by creating space & thinking time for yourself. Time to reflect is essential for a quality of life. You must believe that you have a right to.
Start up by finding out a place in your home where you can relax, listen to the music or read. Tell people around you that that you would like to be left alone for 10 minutes or more than an hour.
Build up this time until you can take weekends or even week away by yourself if you wish.
E) Acquire more energy: Drink fluids at least 2 liters a day. Ensure your diet is healthy. Work on the physical fitness which may keep you hale & hearty. Make sure you are getting enough sleep.. work out what gives you energy. Learn to relax or control stress, through yoga or meditation. Clutter in the house can be a common culprit. Have a routine to clear your desks paper & throw out the old clothes & books or other possessions you no longer need.
Your confidence will boost & thus you can have focus on what you really have.
F) LIVE IN THE MOMENT: If you want to be more efficient. Practice focus 100% whatever you are doing. Nothing snaps energy for doing better,example: turn up your senses such as ice- {smell it up, taste it), candle {sight it, touch, feel}
example: Focus on for few minutes on pictures or an object, such as flower.  Concentrate all your senses on a tactile & visual qualities. Gradually build this up to work situations by deciding that for next say, 40 min you will focus entirely on your current project, without checking any e-mail and answering only urgent calls.
Develop your attention span by using the same technique in conversation. Turn yourself to listen without interrupting with the aim of fully understanding and connecting with other people.
We are living in real world so we can be spiritual all our life. If we think of our lives holistically. We could be in a proper layout.
Steps to clean your financial acts are:
1)      Get out of debts.
2)       Be honest about your spending pattern.
3)      Save the future even if you are in debt. Put up 100% income into the long term saving.
4)      Understand what holds you back financially.
We have developed bad habits to think that finances are less important. Unless you don’t change your thought you will find it very difficult to create future financial security. But thinking holistically cannot bring   finances under control. You have your family with you.
Think of this part of life and understand what holds you back financially.

H) BRING MORE FUN INTO YOUR LIFE: A lot of sufferings arrive from taking life too seriously on health. Laughter, playfulness and relaxation are beneficial to the body as well as to the mind, affecting rapidly on your age, your immune system and how your body responds to stress hormones. Experience something exiting but in safe, formalized atmosphere.
I)                    GET THE RIGHT ATTITUDE: By following the above steps you must have gained a lot of inner strength and confidence. You require the right kind of attitude to face the actual test. Just learn to think and act positively and be firm in your decisions.  Understand that the life is short and the person who win is the one who thinks  he\ she can.
                                              Once you step into your preferred carers zones, do remember insert hard work, acquiring the art of adaptability. Be innovative and have good values.


                                                         These are the words, the words that have a lot of meaning in it & the words which could differentiate b/w failure, success & happiness.
So, the time to start yourself is right now. & see from the darkness to light.
 How you find the change in yourself............thus, emerge as a winner.

I conclude by quoting Lou Helmholtz's 
It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.”

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