Friday, May 22, 2015


Gone are the good old days when women were held with great esteem . The age old axiom,"God live where women are worshiped." has outlived its age.Today woman has been treated only as a piece of meat. The crime against women is on the rise. The shocking incidents of chain snatching, barbarity  and rape of teen aged girls is a common phenomena. Their modesty and chastity has been put at stake as the harassment in schools, colleges and in government and public films; has made their life quite insecure and unsafe.If this brutality against the fairer sex continues, it shall be a nightmare for them to carry on their lives peacefully.
There is hue and cry for equality of women, but the stack reality is that their life has turned hellish due to the constant attack on their honour and integrity.
I believe not only the government but also the civil society should work in co-operation  to save their fair sex from being  subject to worst  type of humiliation  from unruly youngsters and callous husbands. Surprisingly 63% of women in India are male dominated.
The need of an hour is to start a campaign to educate the male of the society that woman is not a toy to play along with  but an equal protagonist in society.
Especially women of the past who had a spark of divinity glory and men desisted from harming their modesty because of the  fear of god's fury.
At the present time, government must enact some laws so that no rapist goes scot-free. Soul of  late Nirbhaya, Aruna Shanbag or the late catholic sisters must get the justice even if they are history on pages. The axe of of justice should be awarded against crime against women.

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